I was brought on as an early team member of Business Insider’s long-form video production team “BI Films.”
BI Films specializes in creating long-form video content, producing everything from news magazines to video profiles to full-length feature documentaries. Being in a major support role on the team, I was able to contribute to almost every aspect of production.
I made major contributions throughout the production process, from pre-production development pitches to filming, post-production editing/grading to creating motion graphics. BI Films has allowed me to further my experience in a professional setting, working with high end prosumer camera and lighting equipment as well as with an experienced professional production team.

Moving away from the long-form team to INSIDER, a short-form social media team allowed me experience a completely different style of storytelling. Working in the fast paced, quick turnaround environment of social content creation allowed me to hone my ability to quickly recognize and tell great stories which people could relate to and share.
As a producer at INSIDER, I am given the freedom and responsibility to work autonomously. My daily tasks included everything from story development, scripting, pitching and shooting; to post-production editing, motion-graphics and sound mixing.